One could have noticed during the past six months that the world has opened, and all kinds of activities have increased after calm pan epidemic times. It has created a positive impact on people moving around, participating in hobbies and activities as well as on all kinds of businesses. The repressions caused by previous restrictions have burst out, and social life and events have collected a lot of participants. After a few years’ break, we in Elinar have held a Christmas party for personnel like in many other organizations.
In media, we have been able to follow the war in Ukraine since last February and all of its effects that are reaching all the way to Finland. The Positive is that in the whole western world and Finland people are willing to help Ukraine in its effort to defend itself as well as to those Ukrainians that are in urgent need of help or had to leave their homes to escape from war. I foresee that this support has a long-term impact on our future as well.
The war and all sanctions have caused for example the energy prices to go up and down. I believe each one of us has given some thought to what implications this has on my life. Let’s hope the status will be settled down quickly and high costs will not create irreversible damage to people’s lives and businesses.
In the past year in Elinar, we have invested in visibility in social media. Lifted blogs and articles as well as published videos on increasing automation in business processes have nicely drawn attention. Our work on managing unstructured data has gained results and it will continue towards new challenges in that era.
Big changes are shaping our world and environment. There for it is important and also our duty to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. That way we are better able to face the future.
Very peaceful Christmas time and happy new year to all Elinarians, to our partners, and to anyone who reads this.
-Mikko Hörkkö