Tag: AI

Elinar X Algol Business Case

Transforming the processing of certificates of analysis

Elinar x Algol Chemicals business case In this blog, we delve into how Elinar, with its expertise in AI and automation, collaborated with Algol to transform the processing of certificates of analysis. We will explore the challenges faced by Algol in managing these certificates manually and how Elinar’s AI solution streamlined the process, saving time […]

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Breaking down the myths of AI

Breaking down myths about AI

Breaking down myths about AI – In these three things people have the wrong idea  Artificial Intelligence is something that people talk much about but know relatively little about. There are a lot of misconceptions about what AI can and cannot do. During the last year, many people have been introduced to AI through the […]

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deep transfer learning

Deep Transfer Learning by ElinarAI

Introduction ElinarAI is a premiere Deep Transfer Learning based AI solution to automate common business tasks that traditionally have required human cognition to automate. ElinarAI focuses on Document Understanding and is based on a paradigm called Deep Transfer Learning (DLT). In DLT the basis is a Language Model that has been pre-trained to understand a […]

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Ari Juntunen

Automating business processes with human-like Artificial Intelligence

Automating business processes with human-like Artificial Intelligence Practically all business processes can be automated using Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, sometimes it is unreasonable as some processes would be so expensive to automate that the costs would exceed the benefits. The business processes that are easy to automate relate to financial management, data protection, customer service, […]

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Ari Juntunen

Alert: Snake oil sellers now selling AI

Alert: Snake oil sellers now selling AI There are plenty of different AI-based solutions on the market. However, only a few of these are based on human-centric cognitive AI that understands humans thus enabling automation. The problem is that there are many AI suppliers and almost all of them sell “true” AI that falls short […]

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Ari Juntunen

Do you need an AI partner?

Are you looking for world domination? We are and we also get you there. What is the success factor of your business? Ours is the utilization of artificial intelligence in business processes. ElinarAI moves humans into productive and meaningful activities. Most repetitive tasks requiring human cognition can be automated using advanced AI, capture, and robotics. […]

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Elinar AI partner team: Tommi, Leena, Ari ja Mikko

Tarvitsetko tekoälykumppania? 

Kumppanuus yhdistää yritysten parhaat puolet Mikä on yrityksesi menestystekijä? Meidän on tekoälyn hyödyntäminen liiketoimintaprosesseissa. Kehittämämme tekoälyn ElinarAI:n ansiosta prosessit, joissa toistuu manuaalinen työ, voidaan automatisoida älykkäästi. Aikaavieviä työvaiheita voivat olla esimerkiksi ostolaskujen käsittely tai GDPR-tietojen tunnistaminen. Vahvuutemme on kyky ymmärtää rakenteetonta dataa. Käytännössä pystymme siis automatisoimaan erittäin korkealle tasolle lähes minkä tahansa liiketoiminnan haasteen, jossa […]

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