Category: Article

Mikko Hörkkö

Summer greetings from Mikko Hörkkö

As the Nordic summer is at its best, it is a good moment to give little thought to past spring. Many things have happened in the world, and you don’t have to be a fortune teller to say that in both good and bad only the change is permanent. The worldwide pandemic affected everything for […]

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Ari Juntunen

Do you need an AI partner?

Are you looking for world domination? We are and we also get you there. What is the success factor of your business? Ours is the utilization of artificial intelligence in business processes. ElinarAI moves humans into productive and meaningful activities. Most repetitive tasks requiring human cognition can be automated using advanced AI, capture, and robotics. […]

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Elinar AI partner team: Tommi, Leena, Ari ja Mikko

Tarvitsetko tekoälykumppania? 

Kumppanuus yhdistää yritysten parhaat puolet Mikä on yrityksesi menestystekijä? Meidän on tekoälyn hyödyntäminen liiketoimintaprosesseissa. Kehittämämme tekoälyn ElinarAI:n ansiosta prosessit, joissa toistuu manuaalinen työ, voidaan automatisoida älykkäästi. Aikaavieviä työvaiheita voivat olla esimerkiksi ostolaskujen käsittely tai GDPR-tietojen tunnistaminen. Vahvuutemme on kyky ymmärtää rakenteetonta dataa. Käytännössä pystymme siis automatisoimaan erittäin korkealle tasolle lähes minkä tahansa liiketoiminnan haasteen, jossa […]

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We find and identify GDPR data

Problems dealing with the GDPR data?

The problem How can we find and identify GDPR data pertaining to individuals in multiple data sources? This takes a lot of manual work. The European Parliament designed the GDPR to give individuals better control over their personal data and to establish a single set of data protection rules across Europe. The new regulation concerns, […]

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PDF/A rendering

Case story: PDF/A rendering boosted productivity, efficiency and trust

The customer story about documents’ PDF/A rendering in Mutual Pension Insurance Company. Elinar implemented a solution about PDF/A rendering to Mutual Pension Insurance Company Ilmarinen. Transforming from old documents to PDF / A form enabled fully paperless archiving. In addition, the solution improved Ilmarinen’s productivity, efficiency, and trust with instant access to documents via a […]

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Intelligent Invoice Accounting

Intelligent invoice accounting

The demo shows how you can automate invoice accounting! Companies spend up to hundreds of man-years on manual work like accounting, even if it is possible to handle by Artificial Intelligence (AI). ElinarAI™ -solution does the manual tasks faster, sharper, and cheaper. This intelligent invoice accounting can be used in any industry. ElinarAI™ has the […]

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Elinar's quality management system

Elinar’s Quality Management System

We are committed to delivering high-quality ECM products and solutions for our customers by investing in continuous process improvement activities. Our operational processes are maintained and developed based on the ISO/IEC 12207 and ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE) standards. We deliver ECM products and solutions as IT system projects. We define a project as a managed set […]

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Improving courtroom efficiensy

Improving Courtroom Efficiency

Elinar’s solution for improving Courtroom efficiency Courtrooms around the world are struggling with improving their Efficiency, Accuracy/Correctness of the Resolutions and Traceability. They need to manage and understand a huge amount of information – from old court cases to the latest legislation. Decision fairness, archive management, inefficient workflow, and endless paperwork because of bureaucracy… All […]

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AI combines payments and open invoices

Elinar uses AI to combine payments and open invoices 

Our customer’s business challenge was to combine incoming payments to open invoices due to incorrect and incomplete reference numbers. This problem occurred with international companies, especially. After implementing Elinar’s AI solution, the degree of automation in invoice processing will grow from 40 % to 80 %. Background Many companies are struggling with the problem, that […]

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