Tag: ElinarAI

Descriptive vs generative AI

Descriptive AI vs. Generative AI – Overview of privacy aspects

Descriptive AI vs Generative AI – Overview of privacy aspects The recent hype around Generative AI has generated a lot of interest around AI. Many customers are struggling to understand if they can make use of this new, highly hyped Generative AI. In this blog series, I will highlight the differences between Generative AI and Descriptive AI. I […]

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Elinar X Algol Business Case

Transforming the processing of certificates of analysis

Elinar x Algol Chemicals business case In this blog, we delve into how Elinar, with its expertise in AI and automation, collaborated with Algol to transform the processing of certificates of analysis. We will explore the challenges faced by Algol in managing these certificates manually and how Elinar’s AI solution streamlined the process, saving time […]

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Mikko Hörkkö

Summer greetings from Mikko Hörkkö

Again, spring has passed by, and summer is showing its best. We are approaching the summer vacation period and some lucky ones have already started their leaves. In technology forums and discussions, one topic has frequently come up. That is OpenAI’s ChatGPT, it’s potential as well as threats. There are given examples when students have […]

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deep transfer learning

Deep Transfer Learning by ElinarAI

Introduction ElinarAI is a premiere Deep Transfer Learning based AI solution to automate common business tasks that traditionally have required human cognition to automate. ElinarAI focuses on Document Understanding and is based on a paradigm called Deep Transfer Learning (DLT). In DLT the basis is a Language Model that has been pre-trained to understand a […]

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Ari Juntunen

Elinar is focused on strong partner network in 2022

2021 Wrap-up Work on ElinarAI was continuous in 2021, several major customers went into production with highly advanced deep Document AI solutions. Significant portion of development effort was spent on Deep Transfer Learning. Deep Transfer Learning is a practice where we pre-train models with vast amounts of data in unsupervised manner. After pre-training, a customer […]

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Tapio Levä, Ari Juntunen ja Jani Rahja keskustelemassa BDF:ssa aiheesta älykäs automaatio ja tekoälyn hyödyt yrityksille

Älykäs automaatio säästää rahaa ja minimoi virheet

Älykäs automaatio mahdollistaa ihmisten siirtymisen tuottavampiin työtehtäviin Tekoäly ja älykäs automaatio ovat pysyneet viime vuodet tiukasti bisnesjohtajien huulilla. Joulukuun alussa järjestetyn Business Data Forumin lavalla tekoälyn mahdollisuuksista keskustelivat Elinarin teknologiajohtaja Ari Juntunen ja Telia Suomen Head of Data and Analytics Business Tapio Levä. Paneelia juonsi Sofigaten Jani Rahja, joka alkuun tiedusteli syväoppivan tekoälyn määritelmää.  – […]

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Ari Juntunen

ElinarAI for Health

Healthcare processes can be automated with ElinarAI. Many tasks that have been this far out of automation scope requiring highly skilled personnel can be automated with production proven ElinarAI. This results increased effectiveness of staff and overall process. Industry Healthcare industry (public and private hospitals, insurance providers and related segments) has multitude of processes that […]

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Mikko Hörkkö

Summer greetings from Mikko Hörkkö

While sitting in the cool airconditioned office you do not realize how warm weather has cherished Finns. Step by step we have received reliefs on restrictions and recommendations which were introduced over the last winter. Now the requisites are most favorable, and we can devote ourselves on celebrating Midsummer and the vacation period. Past winter […]

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ElinarAI: Moving from Deep Learning into Deep Transfer Learning

ElinarAI has been very successful in past years on solving various different unstructured data related challenges, including Accounts Payable / Sales Order Automation, Medical Records Sensemaking and various Legal Issues like GDPR/Privacy and automated analysis of Legal Cases. Our Initial approach was to combine highly advanced ElinarNER (Elinar Named Entity Recognizer) with Deep Learning to […]

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